Anyone out there have kids? How about any kids under the age of 5? If you do, no doubt you have heard of the infamous Caillou, that 'loveable' little bald-headed child who is never punished for anything that he ever does and who runs roughshod over his parents on each episode.
Caillou is a product of PBS, as are many animated undisciplined children (PBS fun-fact - Google the 11/12/12 story about the guy who voices Elmo being arrested for child sexual abuse) and this little piece of toddler Americana sheds much light on where we now find ourselves as a nation.
(Yes, I know Caillou is originally a Canadian show. That alone explains a lot about the rampant pacifism.)
Simply put, we have a grown-up undisciplined child for a president. And as far as I can tell, he's the real thing and not animation.
Let's take a look at the facts. After the president won his first election, he pointed the high and mighty liberal finger across the proverbial aisle at the minority-party Republicans and said, "I won. Get over it." We've been in a veritable government gridlock ever since. Petulant and unyielding, he got his way.
Unlike what we learn from Caillou, the parents (we the people) intervened and tried to tell him he was out of line. This came in the 2010 midterm election cycle when Republicans, riding a Tea-Party wave of excitement (another post for another time), and enacted some sort of disciplinary restraint by taking away his liberal majority which had been in place since the 2006 midterm elections.
And just like Caillou, the president continued his actions of disregarding and ignoring the will of the American people. He was going to do what he wanted, when he wanted. He used a method which was already in place for how he would end-around we the people - executive orders.
An executive order is a tool presidents have used ever since George Washington. However, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the socialist guru himself, took them to a new level. From "President Franklin D. Roosevelt used executive orders to create agencies
without going through Congress."
Now, don't get me wrong - all presidents have used executive orders, but if I recall correctly (and I most certainly do) George W. Bush (of whom I am no apologist) was demonized for his "reckless abuse of power via the slight of hand of executive order." However....
Enjoy this insight from the bastion of liberal "fact" from September 2012:
"It’s true, however, that Obama is employing his executive powers now more than ever before during his presidency.Obama has been sidestepping Congress through his “We Can’t Wait”
initiative, a series of executive actions that he claims benefit the
middle class through infrastructure projects and economic policy
changes.He also skirted Senate approval in January when he appointed nominees to the National Labor Relations Board and to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The appointments were unprecedented because he made them when the Senate was technically not in recess, prompting legal challenges from conservative groups."
So, when he doesn't like something or when he wants to go around the will of the people, he just signs his will into existence and voila! So it is written! And really, who needs all those pesky "checks and balances" that our forefathers put into place, namely the Supreme Court and Congress?
And once again, just like Caillou's pandering parents, even though we know what naughty things that our president has done via his own will (because every single executive order that he has signed or renewed IS posted on in plain view), in November 2012 the American people gave the petulant one a treat for all of his bad actions - four more years or unrestrained power.
Through the medium of PBS and many other networks and programs, and not to mention our horrid excuse for a public school system (another way that the government is completely failing the people) we are raising a generation of children and teenagers who can act - good or bad - without consequence. Remember, we actually had a president COMMIT ADULTERY IN THE OVAL OFFICE in the 1990's and now that same man is regaled as "possibly the greatest president America has ever seen."
No matter your views on trickle-down economics, trickle-down behavior is absolutely something that is learned and absorbed. When you have a leader, the leader of the entire free world, who resorts to name-calling and bullying to get his way - things, might I add, which are becoming subject to prosecution in minor cases in America 2012 - it is no wonder that we are fast approaching a nation where greater than 50% of the people are dependent on the government for their very existence. Why pay for it when you don't have to? Go ahead and do the crime because no need to worry, you won't have to do the time.
In a nutshell, "it's not your fault".
That is what we are being programmed to believe and act upon, and this is what we are reaping and will continue to reap for generations to come. Our president was absolutely spot on when he said "We will fundamentally change America together".
I couldn't agree more. We are being systematically and fundamentally changed from a nation of hard-working people who come from meager means and build a better life for their children and grandchildren to a nation of moochers who take from those who are working to the bone just to survive. We are being changed from a nation of fresh ideas and new enterprises to a nation where even our best minds are being outsourced because of the regulations that this administration is placing on people to hamper and hinder freedom of expression.
The good news for Caillou is that he is eternally four years old. The bad news for America is that the nation of Caillous that we are raising and have raised are growing up, being elected to public office, and forcing this "Waah! I want it now, I want it now! It's mine even if you don't want to give it to me!" mindset on us all.
I'm so glad my boys grew out of the Caillou phase. I only wish, hope and pray that our nation, someday, can do the same.
A layman's look at the radical changes leveling the landscape of the American people.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
They Can't Save You
November 6, 2012 is a day that will truly live in infamy. On that day the United States of America chose it's fate as the final great superpower on the planet. Once regarded as the bastion of freedom, individuality and the hope of the world, on that day the American people sounded the death knell for the former representative republic.
After four years of silent implication, the dream of socialist purveyors came to fruition. The American people chose government over freedom, the collective over the individual, and they signed away their rights by entrusting their future to a post-colonialist group of power-hungry life-long politicians.
How this happened is not a shock - the goal of post-colonialist thought is to create a world where everyone and everything is supposed to look and feel equal. No upper class, middle class, lower class to be found - just the collective. Everyone "paying their fair share".
Through class warfare, hate-speech, and the destructive model of Keynesian economics, this group had been slowly bankrupting the United States since their power grab in 2006. While they took a decent blow in the 2010 midterm elections, this group had already begun their endgame plan.
Some like to call it "Obamacare". It is known as The Affordable Care Act of 2010. To quote one of the leaders of this collapse, Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and former Speaker of The House of Representatives, "We have to pass this bill to find out exactly what's in it." Under this new law, American families and individuals are REQUIRED to purchase a health-care plan or pay exorbitant taxes and fees to the Internal Revenue Service. If any family or individual cannot afford one of these plans, then they can get a free health-care plan from the United States Government. (It is important to note that this law was written with the expressed consent of the major Insurance providers in the United States.)
Because of the 300+% rise in premium costs, most small to midsized businesses will be forced to downsize or go out of business completely because it will be impossible for these companies to pay for the taxes and penalties that the government will levy for non-compliance. This is even now causing massive layoffs and unemployment growth as companies prepare for the full inception of the law in 2014. That means more people every month are applying to become wards of the state, be it begrudgingly or willfully.
When a nation has more people dependent upon it for assistance than it has taxpayers who bring in the revenue to pay the national debt (which is another story for another post), that nation becomes insolvent. It cannot and will not progress and it will collapse from within, with inflation causing ridiculous spikes in prices for everyday goods and sundries and the value of the currency becoming worthless.
All one needs to do is look to 2012 Europe, that former "great beacon of Socialism", to see what perils lie in wait for the nation who chooses this path. Nation after nation collapsing to austerity measures, people rioting over the price of bread and milk, and the unemployment rate growing by leaps and bounds on a daily basis.
On November 6, 2012 the American people chose style over substance. They chose to vote based on fostered hatred and fear rather than on principle and future. Quite frankly, they willingly chose Socialism over Capitalism.
The irony in this was that in the week prior to the election, Hurricane Sandy hit the northeastern United States. The largest city in the country, New York City, and its surrounding megalopolis was literally in the dark - and some of it still is as of this post. The irony here is that the Federal Emergency Management Association or FEMA was a complete nightmare in managing the fallout of this disaster.
This government monolith, which is theoretically in place to supplement the individual States' emergency management programs, in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy has been an abject failure. They were not prepared. There was not enough extra water or extra food. While this "frankenstorm" was a horrible disaster for states like New Jersey and Rhode Island, FEMA regulations have a stranglehold on how much states are able to do for their people. The federal government has usurped the states rights and gets to decide who gets help and when.
Millions of people still sit right now without power in their homes and businesses because union contracts won't allow outside states to come in and restore the respective power grids. Union ties with Communism go back as far as the ideology of Communism itself.
And the greatest example of the nanny-state Socialism is the city of New York, with it's mayor Michael Bloomberg the guru of all things government-controlled. He limits how much and what you can eat or drink; he tells you how to live based on what he thinks is the correct way. He lobbied against former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani staying on for a third-term after the horrific tragedy of September 11, 2001 and then when his second term was almost up he changed the mayoral term limits in a fit of power hungry hypocrisy so that he himself could continue to hold the power of the largest city in America and finish his Socialist project.
The point here is that I believe we will not ever again have a presidential election in the United States of America. Our current President Barack Hussein Obama has a purpose for this nation that has been beta-tested in the state of Massachusetts and the city of New York, and his is an even greater vision. He truly wants to bring the United States of America, once the "land of the free and the home of the brave" to an equal or lesser footing with the upstart Islamist powers in northern Africa. All in the name of Fairness.
The more harrowing issue at hand is that he has done all of this in plain-view - no one will be able to announce, when asked for their papers before being carried away, "But I didn't know that government had revoked all of our rights and our freedoms!" Remember, this president was a professor of Constitutional Law; he looks upon the document as liberal members of our Supreme Court do - as an antiquated document which needs to be replaced.
President Obama took office in January 2009 stating that his would be "the most transparent presidency in the history of America." He's right. But through masterful class warfare tactics and a divide-from-within playbook, he has successfully gained his long-desired "revenge" on the evil colonialist empire that other nations used to look up to for direction, guidance and protection from evil. This country exists no longer, and when the history books are written they will lament the decision of the American people on that day, November 6, 2012.
Alea Iacta Est.
After four years of silent implication, the dream of socialist purveyors came to fruition. The American people chose government over freedom, the collective over the individual, and they signed away their rights by entrusting their future to a post-colonialist group of power-hungry life-long politicians.
How this happened is not a shock - the goal of post-colonialist thought is to create a world where everyone and everything is supposed to look and feel equal. No upper class, middle class, lower class to be found - just the collective. Everyone "paying their fair share".
Through class warfare, hate-speech, and the destructive model of Keynesian economics, this group had been slowly bankrupting the United States since their power grab in 2006. While they took a decent blow in the 2010 midterm elections, this group had already begun their endgame plan.
Some like to call it "Obamacare". It is known as The Affordable Care Act of 2010. To quote one of the leaders of this collapse, Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and former Speaker of The House of Representatives, "We have to pass this bill to find out exactly what's in it." Under this new law, American families and individuals are REQUIRED to purchase a health-care plan or pay exorbitant taxes and fees to the Internal Revenue Service. If any family or individual cannot afford one of these plans, then they can get a free health-care plan from the United States Government. (It is important to note that this law was written with the expressed consent of the major Insurance providers in the United States.)
Because of the 300+% rise in premium costs, most small to midsized businesses will be forced to downsize or go out of business completely because it will be impossible for these companies to pay for the taxes and penalties that the government will levy for non-compliance. This is even now causing massive layoffs and unemployment growth as companies prepare for the full inception of the law in 2014. That means more people every month are applying to become wards of the state, be it begrudgingly or willfully.
When a nation has more people dependent upon it for assistance than it has taxpayers who bring in the revenue to pay the national debt (which is another story for another post), that nation becomes insolvent. It cannot and will not progress and it will collapse from within, with inflation causing ridiculous spikes in prices for everyday goods and sundries and the value of the currency becoming worthless.
All one needs to do is look to 2012 Europe, that former "great beacon of Socialism", to see what perils lie in wait for the nation who chooses this path. Nation after nation collapsing to austerity measures, people rioting over the price of bread and milk, and the unemployment rate growing by leaps and bounds on a daily basis.
On November 6, 2012 the American people chose style over substance. They chose to vote based on fostered hatred and fear rather than on principle and future. Quite frankly, they willingly chose Socialism over Capitalism.
The irony in this was that in the week prior to the election, Hurricane Sandy hit the northeastern United States. The largest city in the country, New York City, and its surrounding megalopolis was literally in the dark - and some of it still is as of this post. The irony here is that the Federal Emergency Management Association or FEMA was a complete nightmare in managing the fallout of this disaster.
This government monolith, which is theoretically in place to supplement the individual States' emergency management programs, in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy has been an abject failure. They were not prepared. There was not enough extra water or extra food. While this "frankenstorm" was a horrible disaster for states like New Jersey and Rhode Island, FEMA regulations have a stranglehold on how much states are able to do for their people. The federal government has usurped the states rights and gets to decide who gets help and when.
Millions of people still sit right now without power in their homes and businesses because union contracts won't allow outside states to come in and restore the respective power grids. Union ties with Communism go back as far as the ideology of Communism itself.
And the greatest example of the nanny-state Socialism is the city of New York, with it's mayor Michael Bloomberg the guru of all things government-controlled. He limits how much and what you can eat or drink; he tells you how to live based on what he thinks is the correct way. He lobbied against former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani staying on for a third-term after the horrific tragedy of September 11, 2001 and then when his second term was almost up he changed the mayoral term limits in a fit of power hungry hypocrisy so that he himself could continue to hold the power of the largest city in America and finish his Socialist project.
The point here is that I believe we will not ever again have a presidential election in the United States of America. Our current President Barack Hussein Obama has a purpose for this nation that has been beta-tested in the state of Massachusetts and the city of New York, and his is an even greater vision. He truly wants to bring the United States of America, once the "land of the free and the home of the brave" to an equal or lesser footing with the upstart Islamist powers in northern Africa. All in the name of Fairness.
The more harrowing issue at hand is that he has done all of this in plain-view - no one will be able to announce, when asked for their papers before being carried away, "But I didn't know that government had revoked all of our rights and our freedoms!" Remember, this president was a professor of Constitutional Law; he looks upon the document as liberal members of our Supreme Court do - as an antiquated document which needs to be replaced.
President Obama took office in January 2009 stating that his would be "the most transparent presidency in the history of America." He's right. But through masterful class warfare tactics and a divide-from-within playbook, he has successfully gained his long-desired "revenge" on the evil colonialist empire that other nations used to look up to for direction, guidance and protection from evil. This country exists no longer, and when the history books are written they will lament the decision of the American people on that day, November 6, 2012.
Alea Iacta Est.
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